This User Agreement comes into force from the moment of Acceptance of the Offer, and is valid until it is terminated by the Parties or ceases to have effect.
At any time, the User has the right to terminate this User Agreement unilaterally and out of court by completely stopping the use of the Product Services if such use is carried out without registration.
At any time, Metoshi has the right to terminate this User Agreement unilaterally and out of court by completely blocking the User's IP address.
Metoshi reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, terminate the access of a User who violates this User Agreement, as well as the terms of any of the Services or other rules governing the operation of the Services, both in whole and in part, including terminating or temporarily suspending the User's access to the Website. A User whose access to the Services has been terminated, or whose information has ceased to be valid, has no right to use the Service without the express permission of Metoshi.
Last updated