When resolving all disputes under this User Agreement, the current legislation of United States of America (Delaware) shall apply.

All disputes, disagreements or claims of the parties arising from this agreement or in connection with it, including those relating to its execution, violation, termination or invalidity, are resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

In view of the fact that under this User Agreement the use of the Services is provided to the User free of charge, the provisions of consumer protection legislation shall not apply to the relationship between the User and Metoshi

All disputes arising under this Agreement shall be referred to the court in accordance with the territorial jurisdiction at the location of Metoshi.

The recognition of certain parts of this User Agreement as invalid does not cancel the effect of other provisions of this User Agreement.

Inaction on the part of Metoshi in case of violation of the provisions of the User Agreement by the User does not deprive it of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later, and does not mean Metoshi waives its rights in the event of subsequent identical or similar violations.

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